High quality dehydrated lotus root slices

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MS Zhang +86 13912099880
MR Jiang +86 15062992222
  • Product Detail

Everyone is familiar with lotus root. It has a lot of nutritional value. It is rich in protein and vitamins. It can clear away heat and cool blood, invigorate the spleen and stop diarrhea, and has the effect of beautifying and beautifying the skin. It is very suitable for people who often get angry. It can promote digestion and prevent diarrhea, so people who stay up late should eat more.

Lotus root is actually a relatively common vegetable with a refreshing taste. It can not only be eaten raw, but also directly cooked into various delicacies. The inside is rich in protein and vitamins. These active ingredients will be helpful to the health of the human body. They not only have high nutritional value, but also have better efficacy. So what are the nutritional value and efficacy of lotus root?
1. Invigorate the spleen and stop diarrhea
Lotus root has a unique fragrance, and there is also a tannin substance in it, which can achieve astringent effect, effectively increase appetite, promote digestion, and effectively prevent diarrhea. For people with loss of appetite or indigestion, you can eat more lotus root appropriately to help relieve symptoms.
2. Clearing heat and cooling blood
Lotus root itself grows in water. It is a kind of cold food. It has the effect of clearing away heat and cooling blood, which can effectively improve the phenomenon of thirst caused by fever. It helps to clear body heat and achieve the effect of curing diseases.
3. Enrich blood and generate blood
Lotus root is a common food, which is rich in vitamins and proteins, as well as a lot of minerals. For iron-deficiency anemia patients, they can often eat lotus root, so that they can effectively obtain sufficient iron. Effectively promote the production of red blood cells, and have the effect of enriching blood and generating blood.
4. Dispersing blood stasis and stopping bleeding
Everyone knows that lotus root is a kind of cold food. It contains tannic acid ingredients with hemostatic effect. It can not only dissipate congestion, but also effectively stop bleeding, relieve nosebleeds, effectively achieve the effect of curing diseases, and effectively promote recovery. .
5. Beauty and beauty
Lotus root itself is rich in vitamins and proteins. It is very suitable for friends who often get angry. You can eat lotus root frequently. Not only can you get the iron you need, but it also has excellent nourishing effects. Acne caused by fire has beauty effects and is also helpful for skin health.

Product purpose:Dehydrated Lotus Root Slices make snacks, dehydrated lotus root slices make soup, and dehydrated lotus root slices are used for daily cooking

Product picture: the picture below is dehydrated lotus root slices.

Last: Dehydrated lotus root powder


0086 13912099880
