High quality dehydrated carrot slices

Contact us:

MS Zhang +86 13912099880
MR Jiang +86 15062992222
  • Product Detail

Product nameDehydrated Carrot slices

Product introductionWe choose high-quality carrots with bright color and full meat as raw materials. After processing and selection through multiple mechanical and manual processes, we produce Dehydrated Carrot Slices, one of the Dehydrated Carrot Products. Dehydrated carrot slices not only retains the same nutrients as fresh carrots, but also greatly increases the shelf life of carrots, and the mode of transportation and storage is more convenient, which can provide convenience for those who need fresh carrots but can't enjoy them in time.

Edibvalue of productsle :Dehydrated carrot slices is rich in trace elements such as cellulose, carotene, vitamin B, potassium and magnesium. It can help the human body supplement trace elements and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. At the same time, it has low calories, which is conducive to beauty and beauty. It is also one of the raw materials for making all kinds of food.

Product usageCanned dehydrated carrot slices,Making a comprehensive fruit and vegetable cooking bag,Daily cooking

Product pictureThe following picture shows high quality dehydrated carrot slices

Last: High purity dehydrated carrot powder

Next: High quality dehydrated carrot granules 5*5mm

0086 13912099880
